Long overdue update!

It has been almost a year since my last post. To be honest I am not very good at this blogging thing. There has also been a lot going on. I decided to go radio silent when I found out I was pregnant with my third child. I don’t really have an explanation for you as to why, just that I wanted to keep this baby off of any type of social media until he was born. That all changed a few days ago when I had preterm rupture of membranes at 31 weeks pregnant. So now I sit in the hospital trying to keep this baby in for as long as possible.

That being said I need grace and patience from everyone. I am keeping my website open as much as possible for orders. My husband will be stepping in to fill orders (as well as taking care of the kids, the house, the livestock and everything he normally does). It is a lot. Things are going to run out, things are going to take longer to fill and things are going to take longer to ship. We are doing the best we can with the circumstances we are under. I am hopeful that we can soon get back to more normal business.

The other thing I wanted to touch on is the amount of emails I have been getting about attending craft shows. I do NOT host any of the events I attend and I cannot help anyone get booth spaces at any of the events I attend! I am sorry for any confusion, I would love to give you advice about shows I have attended or plan to attend, or hosts that are amazing to work with. I however do not host or have any say over any events!

I do want to thank everyone for being so amazing and so supportive. The support we have received since I was admitted to the hospital just a few days ago has been incredible. So thank you all so so much!


Guys… I kind of suck at blogging! LOL


Busy, busy, busy