Long time no update

Wooo! Its been a while! And life has been pretty crazy! The bees did not survive the winter so we just got a new hive and hopefully those make it through this crazy Minnesota spring we have been having! We added 8 new chicks to the farm, and were planning some other animals but it looks like anything else may have to wait. I had carpal tunnel release surgery in February and it was very successful and things are going great! I will be having another surgery to replace an old implanted device in June and will be down for a few weeks, hopefully I will be up and moving again for out July festival otherwise Dad may be handling that one on his own. (Fingers crossed for a quick and easy recovery) My oldest little muchkin starts T-Ball in May and I must say I am pretty excited! Along with building a pole barn, a swing set, 2 crazy little boys, 3 (hopefully) gardens, some new recipes to try for the business and everything else we will have a very busy year!

I updated our current events that are on the books hopefully we will be adding a couple more and I hope to see you at an event this year!!!


*BIG* things happening!


Quick Update